We Will:
- Use your gift carefully and responsibly.
- Ensure that gifts will be used only for the purpose for which they were given.
- Keep you informed of the Foundation’s Trustees and ensure that they exercise appropriate judgment in running the charity.
- Give you access to the Foundation’s most recent financial accounts.
- Ensure that your personal details and donations are kept secure and are handled with respect and confidentiality.
- Promptly acknowledge your support.
- Offer, with your consent, appropriate acknowledgement, recognition and publicity for your support.
- Acknowledge any queries promptly.
Our Trustees
All of the Stonyhurst Foundation’s Trustees are pledged donors to the Foundation.
Policies & Procedures
If you require a copy of the Stonyhurst Foundation Policies on Donations or Investment please contact the Stonyhurst Foundation Manager at manager@stonyhurstfoundation.com
Read our Stonyhurst Foundation Privacy Statement