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“Our mission is to give more children the life-changing opportunity of a Stonyhurst education, irrespective of their background and financial means.”
John Cartwright-Terry,
Director, The Stonyhurst Foundation.

The 1593 Club

Many members of the Stonyhurst Family have been in touch to ask how they can help. This has led to the creation of the 1593 Club, named after the year of the College’s founding.

When you join the 1593 Club you can donate, on a monthly or quarterly basis, amounts of £15.93, £159.30 or as much as you wish. You don’t have to be a big donor to make a big difference:

  • A £15.93 monthly donation will mean £955.80 over five years. Include Gift Aid and this will rise to £1,194.75.
  • With 1000 members, the 1593 Club could raise over £1,000,000 by Easter 2028.

Any contribution is gratefully received. With many small steps we can still go a long way.

Give As Much As You Wish

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Ed Allanson (Assistant Head - Higher Line) is presented The Stonyhurst Foundation tie by John Cartwright-Terry (Director, The Stonyhurst Foundation), as the first current teacher member of the 1593 Club.

A Thriving Club

Success of the 1593 Club will not just be measured in donations. Our goal is to build an engaged community. Members of the 1593 Club will be awarded a Stonyhurst tie or scarf after one year’s membership. You will be able to follow the 1593 Club’s news and progress on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and be invited to informal gatherings around the country to meet up with school leavers and other members of the Stonyhurst Family. Please follow us here: